Saturday, June 13, 2009

Stop Bitching About How Much Your Life Sucks

I hate my friend ..,he likes to crap..infront of me!!! I absolutely hate it when some one comes up to me and tells me they're depressed, pissy, or suicidal because of some stupid shit that happened to them. I get crap like that all the time, of about how they're going to break down and hate their life .

Before people start crying about how much they're life sucks, think about this. At least your not in Iraq with bombs falling all around you. And at least your house didn't blow up because one of those bombs blew it up. At least your parents didn't get killed because a grenade blew in their hand! I mean, seriously, there's fucking kids all around the world who have nothing to eat at all, and drink piss warm water, which incidentally tastes like piss, everyday, and yet you have the nerve to say your life sucks because her!!!!

PLEASE...also don't bitch about other stupid things like you feel lonely, or just broke up with a boyfriend or girlfriend, or you didn't eat CHILI, or you just shit your pants, because guess what, YOUR NOT THE ONLY ONE WHO FEELS LIKE THAT FROM TIME TO TIME! I feel it to... !! There's no point in complaining ! Try to relaks !!! LIKE me....I just break WIth...girlfriend ..!! I feel damn sad..on that day..!! WHAT can i do?? KILLING myself??? not worth at all doing that..,watever happen in future...she still in my heart!! ALWAYS..!!
Think it positively...okie!!


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